What Is Commonly Misdiagnosed As Pink Eye And How To Spot It?

What is commonly misdiagnosed as pink eye? Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, affects 6 million individuals annually. This eye condition causes redness, irritation, and fluid. These indications can also indicate other eye conditions, making it simple to misdiagnose pink eyes. This article discusses erroneously detected eye disorders, their symptoms, and treatment to improve care and comprehension.

What Is Commonly Misdiagnosed As Pink Eye?

Pink eye is a disease of the conjunctiva the thin transparent membrane that covers the eye’s white area and lines the eyelids. Pink eye is prevalent, but many other eye disorders have similar symptoms, which can be misleading. 

Blepharitis, corneal abrasions, dry eye syndrome, episcleritis, eye strain, foreign things in the eye, iritis or uveitis, keratitis, pinguecula, and pterygium can induce conjunctivitis-like symptoms. Misdiagnosis might result in poor care and chronic discomfort. Good eye care requires understanding these conditions and their distinct characteristics. Now you know what is commonly misdiagnosed as pink eye?

How To Spot Common Pink Eye Misdiagnosis?

How To Spot Common Pink Eye Misdiagnosis

Many eye disorders have symptoms like conjunctivitis, so proper diagnosis is crucial. Today, we’ll explain each ailment commonly what is commonly misdiagnosed as pink eye.

Vision Blurred

Plugged oil glands at the base of the eyelashes usually cause blepharitis and eyelid inflammation. Red, itchy, sticky eyelids are indications. Blepharitis affects the eyes, not the cornea. Though uncomfortable, it might make your eyes feel rough. Cleaning the eyelashes and breaking up sticky buildup with warm towels may be part of therapy. 

Infections Of The Contact Lens

Contact lens neglect can cause bacterial keratitis. Its swelling, discomfort, and mucous resemble bacterial conjunctivitis. Contact lens wearers must clean and change their lenses regularly to avoid infections. Most treatments are antibiotic eye drops, which destroy the illness-causing microorganisms. 

Corneal Damage

Scratching the lens after an eye injury can cause conjunctivitis-like redness, discomfort, and discharge. Corneal abrasions sting, make the eye light-sensitive, and make you feel like something is in your eye. Putting a specific dye on the eye and gazing at it under blue light may help an eye specialist diagnose damage. 

Cystitis At Forehead

In dacryocystitis, blocked tear ducts cause red, puffy, painful, and leaking eyes. The symptoms are similar to conjunctivitis, so people commonly confuse them. However, dacryocystitis causes significant swelling around the inner corner of the eye. Medication and warm compresses help remove the obstruction. In severe or long-term situations, a minor operation may unclog the tear duct.

Eye Dryness

Eye Dryness

Dry eye syndrome occurs when your eyes don’t produce enough tears. Your eyes may become red, inflamed, and watery, resembling allergic conjunctivitis. Age, hormone changes, environmental variables, and computer usage can cause dry eye syndrome. Fake tears or prescription eye drops can treat this disease by moistening and improving tears. 

Keep reading to know more about what is commonly misdiagnosed as pink eye?

Eye Pain

The episclera is between the eyelids and the white of the eye. Episcleritis is a disease of this layer. It aches and reddens eyes like a pink eye. Unlike conjunctivitis, episcleritis usually goes away independently; however, lubricating drops or external medications might speed recovery. Episcleritis is normally innocuous and goes away on its own, but if it keeps happening, you may need to contact a doctor to rule out systemic diseases.

Eye Strain

Long-term digital gadget use can cause eye strain, which can dry, redden, and irritate eyes. Screen usage without breaks causes these symptoms, which are comparable to conjunctivitis. Do the 20-20-20 rule: stare 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. It will soothe your eyes. Use lubricating eye drops, get adequate light, and adjust the computer brightness to relieve discomfort.


Iritis/uveitis Irido-uveal inflammation causes heat, discomfort, and hazy vision, indicating conjunctivitis. However, iritis or uveitis commonly causes light sensitivity and a tiny, abnormal pupil. People with these illnesses should visit a doctor immediately to avoid issues. Steroid eye drops reduce edema, and antibiotics or antivirals, depending on the cause. See an eye doctor regularly to track success.

Skin Peeling

Eye illness keratitis can cause swelling, discomfort, discharge, and limited vision. As with conjunctivitis, infections can cause it. Poor contact lens cleaning might make some individuals unwell. You can use antibiotics, antiviral, or antifungal drops for infections. Fake tears can relieve non-infectious keratitis. In extreme circumstances, you may need medicines or corneal surgery.


Above we discussed about what is commonly misdiagnosed as pink eye? Know about various eye disorders that resemble pink eyes to obtain the appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Misdiagnosing these illnesses can lead to ineffective therapies and long-lasting discomfort. If you have eye swelling, discharge, or irritation, consult an eye doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.


How Can I Distinguish Blepharitis From The Pink Eye?

Pink eye—conjunctival inflammation—is characterized by swelling and mucous. However, blepharitis usually affects the eyelids and causes red, itchy, and sticky borders. Eye doctors can distinguish between the two and recommend therapy.

If I Suspect An Eye Abrasion, What Should I Do?

See a doctor immediately if you suspect an eye injury. Avoid rubbing your eyes and wear glasses or contacts. An eye doctor may prescribe antibiotics and steroid drops to prevent infection and reduce irritation. Most cuts and scratches heal in a few days, but significant injuries take longer.

Are Dry Eye Conditions And Pink Eyes Similar?

Dry eye conditions can cause itchy, red, and runny eyes resembling allergic conjunctivitis. However, dry eye illness is usually long-term and requires doctor-prescribed artificial tears or eye drops. Finding the source, such as external causes or computer use, might improve therapy.

What Are The Primary Dacryocystitis Symptoms?

Figure A4 shows that dacryocystitis causes redness, swelling, discomfort, and discharge in the inner corner of the eye. Unlike conjunctivitis, it involves tear duct obstruction and requires medications and surgery. 

How To Treat Keratitis?

The best technique to treat keratitis depends on its etiology. If bacteria cause it, try antibiotic drops. Fake tears can relieve non-infectious keratitis. Always consult an eye doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Very severe keratitis may require hospitalization for IV medication or surgery.

What Are Precautions Should Be Taken By Children Once They Have Pink Eye?

A child should wash your eyes with cold water and then clean them with a soft cotton cloth. Use your spectacles as a precaution.





We have covered all the below topics in the above article
Pink eye misdiagnosis
Conditions mistaken for pink eye
Diseases confused with pink eye
Common pink eye misdiagnoses