What Is Goat Meat Called? How To Eat Goat Meat Like A Pro

What is goat meat called? Goat meat is called “chevon” or “cabrito” (when from young goats). Chevron or mutton from an adult goat is versatile and healthful—the domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus) meat. Based on goat age, it tastes different and has distinct names. Knowing the numerous names of goat meat and its characteristics might help you enjoy cooking and appreciating this excellent international meal. In this article we discuss about what is goat meat called and more about it.

What Is Goat Meat Called?

Goat meat is called “chevon” or “cabrito” (when from young goats). Various goat age groups have various meat names. Culture and cuisine have traditionally used goat meat. Chevrons and mutton are mature goat meat. Younger goats produce cabrito, capretto, or child meat. These adjectives indicate the goat’s age, taste, texture, and culinary versatility. Cabrito, capretto, or kid meat is milder and soft, making it suitable for many international recipes. Mutton from older goats tastes stronger and is firmer.

Places that rely on goat meat employ Chevon. Slow cooking methods like braising and stewing bring out its robust, gamey flavor. India, Pakistan, and the Middle East like mutton, or mature goat meat. Traditional biryani and kebabs involve marinating the meat in spices and cooking it till tender.

How To Eat Goat Meat Like A Pro

How To Eat Goat Meat Like A Pro

Goat meat is famous worldwide for its flavor and cultural significance. It’s healthful, too. Knowing this meat’s health benefits, cooking uses, and longevity can help you enjoy it more. As we already discuss what is goat meat called, now discover all about goat flesh.


Goat meat is a red meat that is lean and low in fat and cholesterol. It contains essential elements like iron, zinc, and B vitamins. Because of its high iron content, goat meat is ideal for anemics. Goat meat has less heavy fat than beef or pork, making it heart-healthy.

Kitchen Flexibility

Goat is used in African, Middle Eastern, Caribbean, and Asian dishes. Many ways to cook with it include grilling, stewing, roasting, and making sausages and stews. Traditional African dishes like Nigerian goat pepper soup and Moroccan tagines use goat. Jamaican curry goat, a spicy stew, uses goat meat.

Flavor Profile

Goat flesh tastes different depending on age and diet. Aged goat flesh tastes gamey, whereas younger goat meat tastes milder. Taste can also vary by preparation. Soaking and gradual cooking improve flavor. Allowing goat meat to soak in yogurt and spices tenderizes and flavors it, making it ideal for grilling or baking.

Cooking Tips

If you know what is goat meat called, you must know there are many cooking methods for goat meat. Slow cooking methods like stewing or braising soften challenging pieces. Young goat meat retains its suppleness; grilling and roasting are preferred. Braised goat meat with fragrant veggies and broth is thick and savory. Grilling or roasting brings out the meat’s flavor.


People believe goat meat production is more environmentally friendly than other livestock. Goat farming is environmentally friendly since goats eat less, need less room, and emit less CO2. Goats also thrive in dry or mainly dry settings where other animals struggle. Many societies worldwide cultivate goats because they are versatile. This ensures food security and farming longevity.

Cultural Importance

Cultural Importance

In many cultures, goat meat is valued. It symbolizes tradition and delight during religious and holiday feasts. Knowing the meat’s traditional meaning can help you appreciate and grasp its cultural significance. Hindus and Muslims eat goats during Eid and Navratri. Making and sharing goat meat meals in this manner has significant cultural and spiritual meaning.

Health Thoughts

Goat meat has less fat, making it an excellent cholesterol-lowering option. Because of its iron content, it can prevent anemia. Additionally, goat meat is less allergenic than other meats. People on diets can eat goats instead of chicken or pigs. Healthy and flavorful, it can be part of a balanced diet.

Selecting Good Meat

Choose firm, well-colored goat flesh. Fresh goat meat shouldn’t smell strong. Ethically reared, high-quality beef is easy to get from a trusted source. You can buy fresh goat meat from local farms at farmers’ markets or specialty butcher shops. Knowing the different goat meat slices might help you choose the best ones for cooking.

Storage And Keeping

If you read properly what is goat meat called, you should know proper storage is essential for maintaining goat meat quality. If not immediately used, refrigerate or freeze. Handling and packing meat properly prevents contamination and extends shelf life. Freezing goat meat in airtight containers helps keep it fresh and avoids freezer burn. Put frozen beef in the fridge to keep it safe while defrosting.


Chivo, mutton, cabrito, capretto, or kid—goat meat—is healthful and easy to incorporate into any diet. Learn about goat meat’s names and qualities to extend your cooking possibilities and enjoy this highly respected meat. People who wish to try different meats should try goat meat because it’s tasty, culturally significant, and healthy. Try various cooking methods and recipes to enjoy goat meat’s rich flavor and health benefits while supporting sustainable and moral farming. Adding goat meat to your diet will expand your taste buds and help farmers survive. There are many ways to use beef, so there is always a new recipe. A rich stew, seasoned kabobs, or tender cabrito are tasty and healthy ways to use goat meat. Meat lovers and health-conscious people can enjoy it. In above we discuss about what is goat meat called and explore more about it.


Is Goat Meat Healthy?

Goat meat is healthful because it is low in fat and high in iron, zinc, and B vitamins.

How Should Goat Meat Be Stored?

Store goat meat in the fridge or freezer immediately to maintain quality. Use proper packing and handling to avoid infection.

What Goat-Based Foods Are Famous?

People cook goat meat soups, curries, grills, and roasts across Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. 

Could You Eat Goat Flesh Eternally?

Goat farming is greener than other livestock farms since goats need less space, food, and water.

What Distinguishes Cabrio And Chevon?

Chevon is stronger than cabrito, which is sensitive and gentle.


